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Services...It is the philosophy of this school that early childhood should be a time of fun, treat warmth, advice security, exploring, and discovery. Infant/toddler & preschool children are creative and receptive; the program strives to nurture and encourage these qualities of its students.nThe school's purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth and development of the child as a whole. Read More |
Why Us...Setting High Academic Standards ndeveloped by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, and National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies. Wee Wonders has a learner-centered curriculum and an approach to teaching for children 6 weeks to preschool. It was developed from research demonstarting that learners construct knowledge though interactions with their physical and social environment. Read More |
What part do families play at Wee Wonders Child Development Centers Inc. ?
Learning is a lifelong journey that adults and children go on together. As parents and families, you are necessary partners. You are your children´s first and primary teacher and have a very important role in the Wee Wonders classroom. We have a wonderful Parent Teacher Organization group which supports both home and at school. Family involvement significantly setting the chances of a student’s success; together we can prepare our children to meet the challenges of a new era and ensure a brighter tomorrow. For more information about Wee Wonders Child Development Centers Inc. Please call us at 774-2492.